After removal of the protecting group, a new amino acid molecule is reacted to elongate the peptide chain. 此肽的化学键的增长是一步一步合成而来的。
Legislative Inadequacy and Improvement for Criminal Law Protecting the Inferior Group 论刑法在弱势群体保护方面的立法缺陷及完善
Under the observation with the optical and electrical microscope, there was no obvious congestion and edema and mitochondrial structure was protected completely in the group of Astragalus Heart Protecting Decoction and group of Compound Salvia Droplet Pills. 光学及电子显微镜下观察,黄芪保心汤组和复方丹参滴丸组无明显的充血水肿,线立体结构保护完整。
Methoxymethyl chloride was used as a facile protecting group for free hydroxyls in the preparation of polyhydroxy derivatives of chalkones, flavones and isoflavones. 通过氯甲基甲醚保护相应醛、酮的酚羟基先合成查尔酮,进而方便地制备多羟基黄酮或异黄酮化合物。
Methods 3-one-12-hydroxy-13,14-ene-andrographolide was synthesized in a three-step route, including protecting primary alcohol of andrographolide by trityl ether, oxidating secondary alcohol and removing protecting group, etc. 方法通过三苯甲醚保护伯醇、氧化仲醇、脱去保护基的方法,合成3酮基12羟基13,14烯穿心莲内酯。
For protecting the large server group, the technology of Intrusion Tolerant System has become another essential technique succeeding the firewall and IDS techniques. 指出了为保护大的服务器群组,继防火墙和入侵检测技术之后容侵技术已成为又一重要技术。
Establishing and improving documentary evidence gathering system will be beneficial to fulfilling the burden of proof in parties and protecting substantive rights of the parties, especially the feeble group of parties. 建立和完善民事书证收集制度有利于当事人履行证明责任、维护实体权益;有利于从程序上保障当事人尤其是弱势当事人的收集证据权利的落实,提高弱势当事人对判决结果的可接受性;
OD value obtained by MTT in protecting group was obviously higher than that of damage group ( P < 0.01). MTT测定结果显著高于损伤组(P<0.01)。
Abstract Though analysis the development and present situation of si chuan rare-earth metal trades, the article considers that it is fundamental channel for protecting resources and improving benefits to realize intensive operation and group industry in rare-earth metal trader of si chuan province. 文章通过对四川稀土行业的发展与现状的分析,认为四川稀土行业实现经营集约化、产业集团化是保护资源、提高效益的根本途径。
We tried to find the proper conditions under which self-ligation among donor molecules were not obvious in the absence of a protecting group at the 3 '-terminus of the donor. 我们找到了供体3'-端不带磷或其他保护基时,其自聚或自身环化的产生都不明显的条件,从而使供受体用量比大大降低。
Earnestly Explore a New Path of Protecting the Workers Who are in Difficult Situation and Their Group Interests 努力探索维护困难职工群体利益工作的新路子
Legal Reflection of Education Bond Protecting Weak Group& Education 教育券保护弱势群体与弱势教育的法理思考
Chemical synthesis of protecting agent for deoxyribonucleoside phosphate and study on its protecting action for phosphate group 脱氧核苷磷酸基团保护剂的合成与磷酸基团的保护研究
In the essay, the author describes the sorrowful living state of the inferior group from the aspects of economical condition, social status, and organization, and then proposes the policy of aiding and protecting the inferior group. 本文从经济状况、社会地位、组织状态等不同侧面描绘了弱势群体令人堪忧的生存现状,提出了救助,保护弱势群体的政策组合。
Study on Management of Safety for Protecting under Ground Worker in Shulan Mining Group 舒兰矿业集团井下作业人员安全管理研究
Adding phase-transfer catalyzer tetraethyl ammonium bromide ( TEBA) during the introduction of Pbf protecting group, the reaction proceeded more rapidly and the hydrolyzation of Pbf-Cl was reduced. 在引入Pbf时,加入了相转移催化剂四乙基溴化铵(TEBA),提高了反应效率,减少了Pbf-Cl的水解;
In order to ensure the payment of wages, many countries grant wage priority to the employee, protecting the interests of the unprivileged group. 许多国家为了保护劳动者的工资按时足额的支付,纷纷赋予劳动者工资优先权,来保护这一弱势群体的合法利益。
In the meanwhile, the effects of varied acids for protecting third carbonyl group were investigated. Through the trial and error, the mixture of anhydrous alcohol/ petroleum benzine is the good solvent of target molecule recrystal. 考察了酸性对保护3位羰基的影响,确定了无水乙醇/石油醚是目标分子重结晶的最佳溶剂体系。
Method: Observe the patients of two groups treatment group given Decoction of Anti inflammation and Protecting the Heart and control group treated by antiarrhythmic medicine. 方法:设治疗组与对照组进行观察,治疗组采用抗炎护心汤;对照组采用抗心律失常药物。
Results LDH in protecting group was significantly lower than that of damage group ( P < 0.01). 结果保护组LDH活性显著少于损伤组(P<0.01);
Protecting the Low-income Group, A Real Question Worth Attention 低收入群体保护:一个值得关注的现实问题
The spreading of humanitarianism in China and the appearance of welfare projects which stressed on protecting the inferior group give impetus to the appearance and development of the protection system of exconvict. 随着人道主义思想在中国社会的传播与泛化,强调保护弱势群体的福利主义思想在中国的出现,推动出狱人保护制度在中国社会萌生与发展。
Recently, with the idea of the ecological environmental protection reinforced day by day and the measures protecting wild animal carried out gradually, the group of the wild animals in China have got recovered and bred and stronger. 近年来,随着生态环保意识的加强和国家对野生动物保护的各项措施逐步落实,我国的野生动物种群得以恢复、繁衍、壮大。
Thus, we expect that this methodology will find widespread use in the deprotection of this class of protecting group. 2. 因此,我们希望该脱除方法可以在脱除这一类的保护基团时得到广泛的应用。